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Triathlon Related Services Delivered by ACTC Members

We have a number of ACTC Members who have fantastic businesses associated with the triathlon sector that may be of great interest to you. Check them out. Some even offer ACTC Members a discount! Head to the Members Chat Hub Facebook Group and Members Newsletter for all the codes and details.

George Handrihan - Physiotherapist at Habit Health

George works as a Physiotherapist for Habit Health and is based at the  Remuera/Stonefields locations.

George has a deal for ACTC members!

For all ACC claims you can get the first appointment free with a subsequent 15% discount on follow ups. Habit Health have clinics Auckland wide so this is valid across all their sites. 


Auckland City Tri club Nic Sproule

Dan Feisst - Owner at SwimT3

SwimT3 Triathlon and Swim Specialists is New Zealand’s longest serving, most respected provider of everything swimmers might need to make the most of their time in the water. 

Back home at 66 Mt Eden Road Mount Eden.

10% ACTC Member Discount Available.


Ben Marshall - Owner at Performance Bicycle Tuning

Delivering high-performance bicycle servicing + customised bike fits for the seasoned and/or newbie athlete.


Scott Taylor - Swim Bike Run Specialist Content Creator at ScottieTPhoto

ScottieT loves to create! Get in touch if you need content (or a strategy on how to deliver it) for any purpose http://scottiet.com/